Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Four Miles and Allergic to Running

Good morning bloggies! I wanted to thank everyone for their comments on the engagement post; you guys have very sweet husbands! I enjoyed reading your stories. I'm heading out on the road again today to finish up the last of my seminars. I will be so excited once Thursday is over! The good thing about my travels is that they are bringing me to the land of Tim Horton's and Wegmans. So excited!

My weekend was incredibly restful and relaxing. I've been reading The Kind Diet and I have to say, it is evoking a lot of emotions in me. I definitely will not be going vegan; I think it's great decision for some, but not me. Alicia talks a lot about how amazing you will feel once you get meat and dairy out of your system- but I already feel pretty amazing! I've never had any stomach or digestive issues. I think my main problem is with the food industry in America. In any event, I'll post my review of the book at the end of the week once I finish my travels. How was your weekend?

Yesterday was a day off for me, so I was able to complete my four mile run outdoors as opposed to on the track at the gym. Yippee! I again wore my zensah sleeves, running tights, coldgear top, northface shell, gloves and ear warmers. It was in the upper 30s and I think I was actually overdressed for the run. The run itself was okay. I was having trouble regulating my breathing, and I'm attributing it to all of my core work from the day before. My abs were sore!

When I picture an awesome run, images of the sun shining and great paces pop into my head. Kind of like this:
Not like this:

I was reading some articles and came to the conclusion that I may, in fact, be allergic to running. I swear it's not an excuse! I say this because every single time that I run, my nose starts to run too. It doesn't matter if I am indoors on the track or outside on the road, hot or cold- my nose just runs! It's realllly annoying. According to this article, I may have a condition called "exercise-induced rhinitis", a fancy term for "your nose runs when you exercise." According to researchers, exercise-induced rhinitis is fairly common among athletes. As a general rule, when I see people running they don't appear to be dealing with a runny nose. The only remedies appear to be taking a nasal saline spray (no thank you, I HATE anything touching my nose, nevermind something being injected up the airways) or running with tissues.

It's strange because this only happens to me while I'm running. It does not happen when I engage in any other sort of exercise. It looks to me like my only option is to just suck it up, because it's not like I'm going to stop running over a runny nose. Although running around with a box of tissues could be quite humorous for bystanders. Do you have exercise-induced rhinitis? If so, do you just deal with it? If not, are there any other mysterious ailments that strike you while running?

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. I definitely do, but I've never heard of this phenomena. I have a stack of tissues on my treadmill, and you should see my gloves and shirt after a run, I have yet to perfect the art of snot rockets.

  2. Yeah, my thing with the vegan diet is definitely more emotional/ethical than diet-based...because really, I've never had health problems! Glad you're enjoying the book!

  3. I sometimes have exercise induced...I forget what it's called. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes when I run, my legs and my back get unbearably itchy. It happens more inside for whatever reason. I can't run through it; I have to stop. Fortunately, it hasn't happened in a long time. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

  4. It happens to me sometimes too. I wonder if there is a band you can put around your arm for wiping your noise while you run. I know it sounds kind of gross, but that way you don't have to try to pull out tissues, and you could throw it in the wash when you are done. Hey, that would be better for the environment too I think :-) Have a good day!

  5. That's interesting- my nose only runs when it's cold outside. Otherwise I think I have the opposite condition: Exercise is what keeps my immune system functioning.
    Looking forward to the book review!

  6. My nose always runs when I run! I'm with Wendy--tissues are too much of a bother--but I throw everything in the washer when I get home anyway, so it's usually my sleeve if I really have to use something ::gag::

  7. Hi Katie,
    Thankfully I do not have a problem with a stuffy runny nose all of the time. I have had issues during allergy season and I hate it! You poor thing:(

  8. I guess that's why they call it a runny nose? Ha ha ha... anyways I have had it from time to time, but not EVERY time I run. I wonder if certain weather (like the cold) make you more prone to it?

    Oh and I am a little late in commenting, but I was glad to inspire the purple smoothie the other day. Yours looked fab too! Also yay for your wedding engagment story. I have been reading but my job is pretty intense these days leaving not much time for anything such as commenting. I will try to be a better blog friend! :)

  9. My nose runs when I run in the cold. I just thought it was due to the cold air drying out my nasal passages. I generally always run with a tissue if it's cold outside.

  10. That is soo crazy about the rhinitis! I don't have, but my nose does run quite a bit when I'm outside in the cold. I'm always sniffling and wiping - it can get pretty embarrassing - it's like a faucet.

    As far as my weekend - it was great! Lots of fun - I finally feel 100% back to normal. And I still managed to get my runs in, which is great!

  11. I am reading the kind diet right now... so far I have been enjoying it.

  12. I've never heard of exercise induced rhinitis. That's really interesting. Sometimes I wonder if I have exercise induced asthma, as I cough a lot when I am exercising intensely.

  13. i have perfected snot rockets -- happy to give a tutorial if interested ;)
    my nose constantly runs when working out (but more so when I'm outside)

  14. haha, those pictures crack me up. great blog!

    a bientot,
    The Paris Food Blague

  15. oh my word, I would flip if I couldn't run...it's my stress reliever. Hmm how to deal with the nose...what about taking alegra or an allergy med?

  16. My nose runs when I workout outside, but I think it's because of the cold. I don't think I've ever noticed if it runs when I'm inside. I think I'm going to have to pay more attention during my gym workout today!

  17. I've never heard of that term, that is wild! But I must have it cuz my nose drips all the time. I also think that guck resides in the air and I get such frequent sinus infections that from it all!! errr. But I run anyway cuz that's what us runners do - run! Happy Weekend!!! Yea!
